Atomic Discovery Collection

Today I’m releasing a 1 hour video and Tezos NFT collection on called “Atomic Discovery”

The use of small dots on the screen with a myriad of symmetries and visual feedback create a visually accurate replication of the two-dimensional surface nature of psychedelic hallucinations.

The collection on objkt has 30 invididual 1 of 1 NFT’s at a resolution of 5000x5000 and 5tz each.

The creation of the collection started with identifying uniquely accurate portions of the generated geometry and creating high resolution renders. Five hundred renders, reduced down to one hundred, further reduced down to the best 30 results. These 30 have been chosen carefully based on the character of the image at both low and high frequencies of detail.

Scry Visuals is driven by creating art in the process of building skills towards a science of consciousness. This sort of science is already growing and to do it properly will require in some cases accurate visualization of complex internal states. To capture inner experience entirely is near impossible, but with the structural nature of geometry, and the occurrence of simple patterns like grids and dots, it is possible to at least begin accurately capturing some aspects. This is an Atomic Discovery in that process.